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vineri, 21 mai 2010

Zee Avi

Prefer sa-mi gasesc singur muzica ce-mi place. Nu am mai pornit tv-ul de mai mult de 1 an, nu stiu daca mai functioneaza si nici nu ma intereseaza. Imi culeg stirile importante pentru mine de pe internet, vizionez toate filmele noi sau vechi (ce doresc sa le revad) tot pe aceeasi cale, urasc reclamele, decat un film prost difuzat pentru ca a costat putin, prefer sa vad un film european de calitate. Pentru unii poate parea ciudat ca ma pot bucura de un film norvegian, spaniol, rusesc, thai, coreean sau chiar chinezesc. Si am constatat ca tv-ul ma indobitocea. Se constata si in subiectele de conversatie avute cu prietenii, s-au eliminat balivernele si tendinta de a ne prezenta mai mult decat ceea ce suntem. Ne facem reclama ca un spot tv, de parca vrem sa ne vindem cuiva.

Internetul este sincer, este un loc unde ne putem exprima sincer.
Umblu aiurea pe youtube si cand imi place o melodie o salvez in playlist. Si o reascult cu placere, am un alt atasament fata de melodie, de parca eu am descoperit-o. Asa am descoperit-o si pe Zee Avi, ale carui melodii "Honey Bee" si "No Christmas for Me" mi-au atins sufletul.

Exista si basme in viata reala. Postez povestea lui Zee Avi si ce inseamna youtube pentru artistii talentati ce nu au fost descoperiti inca. Nu va descurajati, datorita tehnologiei de azi talentul poate fi recunoscut si promovat fara costurile uzuale de promovare. Recomand companiilor muzicale de la noi sa verifice youtube, poate asa nu vom mai fi sabotati cultural si muzical de "talentele" ce se promoveaza in media, doar pentru ca au o sustinere materiala.

Zee Avi is just 23 but she's an old soul. A huge talent in a petite frame bringing a universal message from the unlikely birthplace of Borneo, an ancient island east of Malaysia which remains an untouched, natural paradise, an apt description of her songs.

How Avi came to record her debut album in L.A., the first joint release from Ian Montone's Monotone Label and Jack Johnson's Brushfire Records, is a true 21st century tale of the way the Internet has transformed the music business and shrunk the globe in the process.

Born in the tiny town of Miri in Sarawak on the island of Borneo, Zee grew up near the South China Sea in a liberal, encouraging household where her father owned an energy consultancy. "I was bred to be a lawyer," she says, but music was in her blood. Her father's father sang and played double-bass, accordion, violin and guitar in bands.

At age 12, Zee moved from Borneo to Kuala Lumpur where she has been based since. At 17, Zee started locking herself in a room for hours on end to learn to play guitar. Guitar took a back seat for 4 years while she was studying fashion design in London. When she returned to Kuala Lumpur, she picked the instrument back up and began writing songs and performing with a band.

Zee began recording her songs on a webcam and posting them on YouTube for a friend to hear. "I remember getting so excited when there was one new comment from some random person I didn't know... One read 'I'm lost for words - I shall favorite it and ponder if that's OK,' " which was written by Kris Rowley, a U.K. singer-songwriter with a YouTube following under the name Zzzzzzzzap. He began posting her videos on his site, which began a viral snowball effect.

The day before her 22nd birthday, Zee posted what she intended to be "my last video," a holiday song, "No Christmas for Me." By the time she checked her e-mail Avi had almost 3,000 messages including a slew of label offers. One email came from Ian Montone, who had been shown the YouTube clip by Raconteurs' drummer, Patrick Keeler, prompting Montone to get in touch and offer to release her music on the Monotone Label.

Before she knew it Zee was on a plane to L.A. to record her debut with producer Robert Carranza at Brushfire's Solar Powered Plastic Plant. "No Christmas for Me" was then featured on the holiday charity album, This Warm December, A Brushfire Holiday, Vol. 1.

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